by Duncan Ebata | May 12, 2021 | Facilitation, Farm, Food, Learning, Uncategorized
Last year around this time we entered lockdown. During that time, we saw people turn their focus to their homes and gardens, learn about community sufficiency, and come together as a community. As soon as CERB kicked in, people began to save money and invest it into...
by Duncan Ebata | Apr 23, 2021 | Facilitation, Learning, Productivity, Uncategorized
A few months ago, I found myself feeling a little burnt out, even during weeks that I would normally not cause me to feel burnout. Maybe they didn’t have quite as much movement, or… …maybe I’ve been grieving indoor cozy friend chats beyond bubbles. I...
by Duncan Ebata | Apr 14, 2021 | Facilitation, Farm, Food, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
How did we lose our practices around valuing food as sacred? When and why did we cease to honour our food, where it came from, who grew it, the land, etc.? Who benefits from the narrative “we don’t have time” to eat? So we’ll just pick something up? Heat something up?...
by Duncan Ebata | Mar 31, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Productivity, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
Not long ago, I read an article called 6 Qualities of Relational Leaders by Michael Porcelli that reminded me of something that came to me in meditation. Partway through the meditation, a woman stated an affirmation: “I am relaxing into healing.” What struck me about...
by Duncan Ebata | Mar 26, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
I’m breaking a new rule here and giving advice about deepening connection in conversations because my colleague Jechanovia summarized a portion of a long blog post I wrote, titled “15 Questions to Ask Instead of How Are You?”, during the early days of the COVID19...
by Duncan Ebata | Mar 17, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
This morning I woke up abruptly at 6am. Nothing in particular happened. I was half-awake and somehow Brene Brown’s words from one of her podcast episodes jumped into my head: “I’m here to get it right, not be right”. I thought of the power of those words and...
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