by Duncan Ebata | Aug 20, 2021 | Facilitation, Uncategorized
“It’s a way to build a greater sense of community and to celebrate cultural diversity through the preparation of food.” Last year, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kirk Starratt for an article on I’ve been reflecting on this...
by Duncan Ebata | Jul 30, 2021 | Facilitation, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
Back in 2020, I started to work on breaking the habit of positively praising, judging, or concluding about an experience or story shared with me. I’ve been consciously replacing my default responses of: “Great job” “That was awesome” “That was lovely” with: “Thank you...
by Duncan Ebata | Jul 9, 2021 | Food, Hosting, Learning, Uncategorized
At the Front Street Community Oven in downtown Wolfville, two Firemasters stand beside the crackling fire. A doughy, cheesy creation is slid onto the hot stone hearth in a single, smooth motion. The surrounding air is crisp, carrying the scent of sweet fall leaves and...
by Duncan Ebata | Jun 25, 2021 | Facilitation, Food, Hosting, Learning, Uncategorized
In my facilitation work, I am always mindful about creating spaces in which participants feel taken care of. Over time, I have noticed patterns that I feel can be applied to any meeting, from community halls to boardrooms. No matter the context, there are things that...
by Duncan Ebata | Jun 11, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
“YOU’RE AWESOME!” “YOUR TALK WAS AMAZING!” “YOU’RE SO GOOD AT…” Have you ever been in a situation where you are being praised and it just feels awkward? Why do compliments feel weird sometimes? What is it about...
by Duncan Ebata | May 21, 2021 | Facilitation, Learning, Productivity, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
When someone asks me how it’s going and I say that things are busy, it’s usually an indication that I’m overwhelmed and/or not taking care of myself, feeling scarcity (of time, money), not feeling worthy, or not having my needs for affection and understanding met. It...
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