by Duncan Ebata | Jul 9, 2021 | Food, Hosting, Learning, Uncategorized
At the Front Street Community Oven in downtown Wolfville, two Firemasters stand beside the crackling fire. A doughy, cheesy creation is slid onto the hot stone hearth in a single, smooth motion. The surrounding air is crisp, carrying the scent of sweet fall leaves and...
by Duncan Ebata | Jun 25, 2021 | Facilitation, Food, Hosting, Learning, Uncategorized
In my facilitation work, I am always mindful about creating spaces in which participants feel taken care of. Over time, I have noticed patterns that I feel can be applied to any meeting, from community halls to boardrooms. No matter the context, there are things that...
by Duncan Ebata | Jun 11, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
“YOU’RE AWESOME!” “YOUR TALK WAS AMAZING!” “YOU’RE SO GOOD AT…” Have you ever been in a situation where you are being praised and it just feels awkward? Why do compliments feel weird sometimes? What is it about...
by Duncan Ebata | Mar 31, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Productivity, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
Not long ago, I read an article called 6 Qualities of Relational Leaders by Michael Porcelli that reminded me of something that came to me in meditation. Partway through the meditation, a woman stated an affirmation: “I am relaxing into healing.” What struck me about...
by Duncan Ebata | Mar 26, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
I’m breaking a new rule here and giving advice about deepening connection in conversations because my colleague Jechanovia summarized a portion of a long blog post I wrote, titled “15 Questions to Ask Instead of How Are You?”, during the early days of the COVID19...
by Duncan Ebata | Mar 17, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
This morning I woke up abruptly at 6am. Nothing in particular happened. I was half-awake and somehow Brene Brown’s words from one of her podcast episodes jumped into my head: “I’m here to get it right, not be right”. I thought of the power of those words and...
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