Wood Fired Sourdough Bread Masterclass

Wood Fired Sourdough Bread Masterclass

It was a real pleasure to co-host this workshop our community oven space, Front Street Community Oven, with Jess Ross of Gold Island Bakery. I hope we can offer this again. Here are a few photos of the magical event. The class include: 3-hour hands on workshopSmall...
The Power of Cheese

The Power of Cheese

At the Front Street Community Oven in downtown Wolfville, two Firemasters stand beside the crackling fire. A doughy, cheesy creation is slid onto the hot stone hearth in a single, smooth motion. The surrounding air is crisp, carrying the scent of sweet fall leaves and...
Announcing Shift! Food

Announcing Shift! Food

Hello friends, I have big news, I’m testing out doing more food work and less marketing work. Makes sense right? As you may know, over the past 3 years I’ve needed to cut gluten, dairy, and refined sugar completely out of my diet. When I first needed to...