by Duncan Ebata | Aug 20, 2021 | Facilitation, Uncategorized
“It’s a way to build a greater sense of community and to celebrate cultural diversity through the preparation of food.” Last year, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kirk Starratt for an article on I’ve been reflecting on this...
by Duncan Ebata | Jul 30, 2021 | Facilitation, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
Back in 2020, I started to work on breaking the habit of positively praising, judging, or concluding about an experience or story shared with me. I’ve been consciously replacing my default responses of: “Great job” “That was awesome” “That was lovely” with: “Thank you...
by Duncan Ebata | Jun 25, 2021 | Facilitation, Food, Hosting, Learning, Uncategorized
In my facilitation work, I am always mindful about creating spaces in which participants feel taken care of. Over time, I have noticed patterns that I feel can be applied to any meeting, from community halls to boardrooms. No matter the context, there are things that...
by Duncan Ebata | Jun 11, 2021 | Facilitation, Hosting, Learning, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
“YOU’RE AWESOME!” “YOUR TALK WAS AMAZING!” “YOU’RE SO GOOD AT…” Have you ever been in a situation where you are being praised and it just feels awkward? Why do compliments feel weird sometimes? What is it about...
by Duncan Ebata | May 21, 2021 | Facilitation, Learning, Productivity, Re-Authoring, Uncategorized
When someone asks me how it’s going and I say that things are busy, it’s usually an indication that I’m overwhelmed and/or not taking care of myself, feeling scarcity (of time, money), not feeling worthy, or not having my needs for affection and understanding met. It...
by Duncan Ebata | May 12, 2021 | Facilitation, Farm, Food, Learning, Uncategorized
Last year around this time we entered lockdown. During that time, we saw people turn their focus to their homes and gardens, learn about community sufficiency, and come together as a community. As soon as CERB kicked in, people began to save money and invest it into...
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